Monday, March 12, 2018

Tournament Wrap-up

To the players, coaches, stake directors, high councilmen, fans, scorekeepers and all others who participated in the Coordinating Council Basketball Tournament...thank you! The tournament was a great success, there were many great games and memories to carry forward for years to come. Overall, the sportsmanship was very good and there were comparatively few injuries.

Here are your division champions by group:

Young Women: Baer Creek/Fox Pointe Wards (Haight Creek Stake). Yet another title for Baer Creek!

Deacons: Mill Shadow Ward (Deseret Mill Stake)

Teachers: Shadowbrook Ward (Kaysville South Stake)

Priests: Kaysville East Combined Team. Wrapping up a year in which they won both the Flag Football Tournament and this tournament.

Men: Havenwood Ward (Kaysville Stake). Seventh!!! straight title for the Havenwood men.

Women: Haight Creek Stake. Second straight title for them.

Thank you to all who participated and made the tournament possible.

-- The Coordinating Council
Jerry Bradshaw, Kevin Meredith, Marchelle Wyatt, Rich Sevy, Greg Walker, Kat Wall and Ben Johnson