Monday, December 11, 2017

Basketball Officials' Guidelines

Basketball Officials' Guidelines

·       Keep a diagonal position opposite your officiating partner
·       Never be positioned directly beneath the basket during play or during free throw attempts
·       Concentrate and focus on your area of responsibility
·       Re-position yourself to see more of your area of responsibility
·       Switch ends with your officiating partner frequently
·       Did the player’s action cause an unfair advantage?
·       Teach where appropriate
·       Warn against aggressive post play and lingering in the key area
·       If the ball is in your area of responsibility, concentrate on the activity with the ball
·       If the shooter is within your area of responsibility, concentrate on the shooter through the entire shooting motion/activity
·       Reward good defense
·       The defender does not have to be stationary to draw a charging foul
·       Rule of verticality - defender owns the space directly above their defensive position
·       Legal screens require the screener to be “set” or stationary
·       Work with the scorer’s table
·       Watch for “points of emphasis” such as team control fouls, closely guarded situations, contact above the shoulders, intentional fouls and illegal contact (hand-checking, rebounding and post-play).  Note: 2017-2018 point of emphasis - fouling in a close game - defense must make an attempt at stealing the ball - if no attempt at stealing the ball, then intentional foul - 2 shots and shooting team retains possession out of bounds
·       Post play "dislodging" an opponent is a foul
·       Foul line "spots" close to the free throw shooter - cannot make contact with the shooter prior to the ball passing the rim and cannot enter the shooter's space.  Can be a re-try or a foul up to the referees discretion.

Saturday, November 4, 2017

2017 Coordinating Council Volleyball - Results

Congratulations to Smith Lane from the Kaysville West Stake for taking the 2017 Women's Volleyball Championship!

Also congratulations to Kaysville East for their second place finish!

Congratulations to Baer Creek from the Haight Creek Stake for winning the 2017 Young Women's Volleyball Championship for the second year in a row!!  
The Haight Creek Stake was well represented in this tournament as both the finalist originated from their stake.  Thanks so much and Congratulation to Haight Bench/Windridge and the stake director!!

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

2017 Coordinating Council Flag Football Tournament

5th Annual Young Men's Flag Football Tournament 2017 Results:

Congratulations to the Kaysville East team from 17th Ward/Brookhaven who won the 2017 Tournament Yesterday. The Coordinating Council wishes to thank the referees and stake sports directors who made this tournament possible, especially Nate and Jed from the Kaysville South Stake. The fields looked like professional football! Awesome job guys and thank you.

We hope to have even more participation in the Coordinating Council and stakes next year!

2017 Kaysville/Fruit Heights Coordinating Council Flag Football Champions-
17th Ward/Brookhaven (Kaysville East Stake)
History of Tournament Winners:
2013: South Bench (Kaysville Haight Creek Stake)
2014: Oak Hollow (Kaysville Haight Creek Stake)
2015: South Bench (Kaysville Haight Creek Stake)
2016: Columbia Heights (Kaysville South Stake)
2017: 17th Ward/Brookhaven (Kaysville East Stake)

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Host Building Addresses

Congratulations to all the teams who made it to the Coordinating Council Basketball Tournament!

Kaysville Central Stake Center: 555 North 100 East

Kaysville South Stake Center: 900 South Main Street

Deseret Mill Stake Center: 270 West Burton Lane

Haight Creek Stake Center: 1520 South Fox Pointe Drive

Fruit Heights Stake Center: 170 North Mountain Road

Crestwood Stake Center: 855 East Mutton Hollow Road

Kaysville Stake Center: 615 North Flint Street

Best of luck to all the teams, players, coaches, referees, scorekeepers and fans. We look forward to a fun-filled tournament. See you all out on the court.

-- The Coordinating Council

Young Women's Basketball Bracket 2017

Women's Basketball Bracket 2017

Deacons' Basketball Bracket 2017