Sunday, February 26, 2017

Host Building Addresses

Congratulations to all the teams who made it to the Coordinating Council Basketball Tournament!

Kaysville Central Stake Center: 555 North 100 East

Kaysville South Stake Center: 900 South Main Street

Deseret Mill Stake Center: 270 West Burton Lane

Haight Creek Stake Center: 1520 South Fox Pointe Drive

Fruit Heights Stake Center: 170 North Mountain Road

Crestwood Stake Center: 855 East Mutton Hollow Road

Kaysville Stake Center: 615 North Flint Street

Best of luck to all the teams, players, coaches, referees, scorekeepers and fans. We look forward to a fun-filled tournament. See you all out on the court.

-- The Coordinating Council


  1. Just a quick comment. I had young lady show to a game that we had not seen at any event. One of the other young women in the ward somehow got her to come. Since we had not seen her or could even talk to her. Anyway to her and my disappointement they would not let her play because she was not on the roster. I spoke to a regional rep and they felt bad. I had even spoke the opposing coach and she was fine. Anyway this young lady and her parent left in tears. I know we need rules but this is still the church and fellowship is what were doing here. I think we need to sit back and ask why we are even having these games? Just thought I would pass this along as we need to have a change. Our Stake young women's representative even called and tried to get her able to play and it was no. thank for all the hard work I know this is not easy,

    Bishop Vincent

  2. Bishop Vincent,

    Thank you for your feedback, as well as the acknowledgement that it is not easy to run this program every year.

    At the end of tournament play each year we get together as a coordinating council, along with the stake sports leaders, to review what worked well, what didn't, and where improvements can be made.

    In this case, the coordinating council representatives correctly followed the long standing rules associated with CC tournament play, which have been communicated well in advance each year to stake sports leaders, coaches and so on. The goal of this event is certainly fellowshipping and wholesome recreational activity rather than an emphasis on competition. Unfortunately over the years, attempts by a small minority of individuals to turn these activities into something different have resulted in the formation of rules for tournament play designed to protect the integrity of this event's purpose. For example, every year we have attempts by a few individuals to sneak someone on to a roster after a bishop's signature who might not even be in the ward, attempts to have high-skill players play for multiple teams, attempts to put ineligible high school players onto teams and so on. Although this is a very small minority, over time it has led to the formation of rules for CC play designed to prevent this from becoming strictly a competitive event. It would be wonderful if we could count on 100% honesty and the spirit of the event rather than having to create rules for participation to protect it. It reminds me of a talk by Elder Christofferson about moral discipline, where he notes that we are left to try to maintain order and civility by compulsion (rules) due to the minority, which leads to diminished freedom for everyone. At any rate, please encourage your stake sports leaders to participate in the follow up meeting after tournament play so we can get their feedback. We are always striving to find the right balance with these rules and are always open to adjustments to maintain the goals of the program.


    Bro. Bradshaw (CC Sports Specialist)
