Sunday, February 26, 2017

Host Building Addresses

Congratulations to all the teams who made it to the Coordinating Council Basketball Tournament!

Kaysville Central Stake Center: 555 North 100 East

Kaysville South Stake Center: 900 South Main Street

Deseret Mill Stake Center: 270 West Burton Lane

Haight Creek Stake Center: 1520 South Fox Pointe Drive

Fruit Heights Stake Center: 170 North Mountain Road

Crestwood Stake Center: 855 East Mutton Hollow Road

Kaysville Stake Center: 615 North Flint Street

Best of luck to all the teams, players, coaches, referees, scorekeepers and fans. We look forward to a fun-filled tournament. See you all out on the court.

-- The Coordinating Council

Young Women's Basketball Bracket 2017

Women's Basketball Bracket 2017

Deacons' Basketball Bracket 2017

Teachers' Basketball Bracket 2017

Priests' Basketball Bracket 2017

Men's Basketball Bracket 2017