Kaysville/Fruit Heights Sports Coordinating Council Basketball Tournament Rules
Utah High School Rules will apply with the following exceptions:
1. All games will have 7-minute quarters, with the game clock stopping on all whistles. Three one-minute time-outs and two 30 second time-outs per game. Overtime periods are 3 minutes, with unused regulation time-outs carried over, plus one additional overtime time-out. 30 second breaks after the first and third quarters, three-minute halftime break. Disqualified players are to be replaced within 20 seconds.
2. Uniform tops with numbers are required (Hosting Stake to provide). Proper shorts are to be worn, must be long enough to ensure modesty - no shorter than 2 inches above the knee or the length of the fingertips when the arms are extended by the player's side. All players must wear shirts with sleeves beneath their uniform jersey.
3. Each team must have an adult coach present for the game which can be participants in Men's and Women's play. Players, coaches and fans are expected to maintain behavior consistent with a Priesthood function. Women, only, are allowed to coach YW and Women's teams. Men, only, are allowed to coach YM and Men's teams.
4. Teams not ready to play with 5 eligible players by 5 minutes after the scheduled game time will forfeit the game. The time-frame is extended by opening prayer and by scripture or theme or poster reading. Once the pre-game activities are completed the team with less than 5 players may begin utilizing time-outs to avoid the forfeit.
5. No dunking or hanging on the rim at any time before, during or after the game. Violation of this rule will result in a flagrant foul and the individual will be disqualified from the game, and possibly disqualified for the tournament.
6. Technical/Flagrant fouls—The following penalties will be imposed for unsportsmanlike technical fouls: For the first one, the violating player will sit out 3 minutes of game time; for the second one imposed in the same game, the participant shall be disqualified. Any player receiving a combination of two technical or flagrant fouls during the tournament (cumulative) will be required to meet with the appropriate Sports Coordinating Council's Director for reinstatement.
7. High School Team members are ineligible to play in Stake, Region or Multi-Region play. There are no exceptions to this rule. Any team utilizing a high school player automatically forfeits their game.
8. A player is eligible to participate with one age group team during the tournament
9. Young Men age 11-13 are eligible to compete in the Deacons’ Tournament.
10. Young Men under age 14-15 are eligible to compete in the Teacher’s Tournament.
11. Young Men under age 16-18 are eligible to compete in the Priest’s League.
12. If a Young Man turns the next age during league play, he may finish the sport with his current team, or move up immediately to the team of his new age group. If both teams advance to the Sports Coordinating Council Tournament, the young man must decide, prior to the beginning of the tournament, which team he is participating with.
13. The minimum age for Young Women eligibility is the minimum Young Women age.
14. Participants must live in ward boundaries unless waivers have been signed by both Bishops and are turned in with the tournament roster. These must be approved by the appropriate Sports Coordinating Council Director
15. Season team Rosters are to be completed and turned in to the appropriate Sports Coordinating Council Director prior to the start of the Tournament. This includes all required signatures. Additions to the roster may be made prior to the start of the team's second tournament game, with approval of the Appropriate Sports Coordinating Council Director. Additions to the roster of a player from an eliminated tournament team will not be approved.
16. All fans and team participants for the next game are to find a place to congregate that will not interfere with the Scorer's table and the game in progress.
Other Tournament Items
1) Priesthood presence - each game held at a Stake facility requires a Priesthood Presence in attendance. It is expected that the Priesthood Presence will be aware of any player, coach or fan not conducting themselves in a manner consistent with a Priesthood activity. The expectation is that the Priesthood Presence will "coach", or "mentor" the individual by taking them aside and reminding them of the conduct expectations.
2) When participants and/or fans of games need to be reminded of the expected conduct, the Priesthood Presence and the Sports Coordinating Council individual assigned to the location will mutually decide how to proceed. Possible outcomes include:
a) Re-conducting the game opening process.
b) Stopping the game and awarding a team the victory.
c) Other remedies deemed appropriate.
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